Legionella Services

Our legionella control and water treatment services are designed to keep your business and its sites compliant with current Acop L8 legislation. 

Our specialist and experienced team provides individual services as required or a fully-integrated legionella control system including management, monitoring and delivery of water cleaning services. We tailor our services to meet your requirements exactly, and are happy to give advice.

We provide:

Legionella Risk Assessment

If you business premises has a hot and cold water system you have a legal requirement to have a legionella risk assessment carried out to determine the risk and likelihood of your staff and building users being exposed to legionella and other harmful waterborne bacteria.

Monitoring Services

An essential element of compliance with the Acop L8 & HSG274, is monitoring of your water system. This is often called the control scheme or written scheme of control.

Water System Cleaning, Disinfection, Chlorination & Mechanical Plumbing Services.

Ensuring your water system is clean is an essential element of preventing the growth of legionella bacteria in your water system.

UKAS Accredited Sampling Services

Sampling and analysis of your water system can determine the presence of a number of types of harmful bacteria, including legionella pneumophilia.

Aquavent offers a range of quality water hygiene and water treatment chemicals. Our products are manufactured under strict quality control measures, giving customers peace of mind that they will receive consistently high quality products. All chemicals supplies come with fully compliant safety data sheets and product data information.